Rename4u - Version 1.16 - Updated 01/12/2004.
A cool, FREEWARE program called Rename4u! Even though this is
free, I would appreciate any donations or postcards. This project
took me about two months to produce, so I welcome any appreciation
or feedback.
What's Rename4u?
Rename4u is a fun and easy program for renaming files!
It's a free program that allows you to rename any files, using various
methods, including search/replace, renumbering, prefixes/suffixes, permissions, uppercase/lowercase/propercase, etc.
Includes test mode, so you can test your combination(s) before renaming the files.
I welcome your feedback!
This runs on Windows 95, 98, NT, ME, Win2k, XP (or later).
This is donationware. Please donate to help support the Author.
- Select multiple files or a whole directory.
- Use the Search/Replace feature to rename files and/or file extensions.
- Use the Numbering feature to apply sequential (ascending or descending) numbers to multiple files.
- You can add Prefixes and/or Suffixes to filenames.
- Supports wildcards (*).
- You can change the case (upper, lower, or Proper) of the filenames.
- You can change the permissions on the selected files.
- You can rename extra extensions, in-case you have something like file101.txt.txt.
- Includes a Test mode so you can test your renaming options before renaming them.
- Includes an Output Directory option - so you can rename the files
to a separate directory. It actually copies the files to the output
directory and then renames them.
- Did I mention this was free? :) Although, I really do appreciate donations to support my efforts.
(Includes install/uninstall)
Download Vs. 1.16: Rename4u.exe (~770k)
Download older Vs. 1.14:Rename4u.exe (~600k)
ZDNet rated it 4 Stars!
WebAttack.com rated it "5" Stars!
What's New?
- Version 1.16:
- Improved interface.
- Includes a new right-click option in the Directory selection window area to be able to paste
a folder path directly.
- Runs a little faster.
- New sort options for the files to be renamed.
- Another "Start" button has been added to the output tab, so after reviewing a 'test' output,
you can immediately start those rename options without returning to the previous tab.
- System and zip files are now displayed.
- Version 1.15:
- Improved interface.
- It remembers the size and position of the window.
- Includes an Output Directory option - so you can rename the files
to a separate directory. It actually copies the files to the output
directory and then renames them.
- Runs a little faster.
- Automatically sorts the list of chosen files.
- File list now includes all file properties: name, size, type and modified date/time.
You can also sort by these columns. :)
- Version 1.12:
- Fixed tabbing sequence under the Numbers tab.
- Added more functionality to the Search/Replace features. This now
includes a wildcard "*" option so that you can search/replace
characters before or after the text you're searching for.
To see an example, just click the "?" button at the end of the
Search textbox in the program.